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Over 300,000 users found their calling
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Over 300,000 users found their calling
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Over half a million professionals have found their path with our AI-driven, personalized career quiz. It's more than a test; it's a journey to what truly fulfills you.
Transform your career with our AI-powered test. Beyond revealing your ideal work environment, it spotlights tailor-made 'wow' careers for you. With our guidance, your career shift is a confident step towards your dream life, not just a leap of faith.
Explore personalized career path recommendations just for you. Find career matches based on your strengths, interests, values, and personality.
We keep our database of career profiles, salary information, and resources updated to support you on you ideal career journey.
We constantly update our algorithms and machine learning data points to improve the validity and accuracy of our career test results.
Our comprehensive CAPBOI model looks at your personality, values, and preferences in a way that provide you highly-personalized career paths.
We help you maximize your net worth by showing different career transition opportunities.
We don't just help you identify your dream jobs, we help you land those.
Reach out to our support team or contact us for further questions
Though it is entirely possible to find a free career test, the majority of paid tests range between $19.95 and $200.00. At JobTest.org, we provide various pricing plans so that you can decide which career test report and support is best for you.
We understand the importance of your future, and we don’t take it lightly. We use artificial intelligence, machine learning, and a ton of data to provide you with the most personalized and accurate results. If your report fails to identify any career paths based on the answers you provided to the test, we will offer a full refund of the cost of the test.
You can expect to be asked multiple-choice questions about your personality, preferences, and experiences.
All of JobTest.org’s career tests can be completed in under 20 minutes. That said, we’ll never put a timer on the process, so you should feel free to take as long as you need to complete your assessment.
Yes! Once you make an account, our intuitive interface and personalized explanations help guide you through the online process.
Our use of advanced machine learning, modern AI, and up-to-date job market data means that JobTest.org provides some of the most accurate results possible, which is why more than 300,000 professionals have trusted us with their career solutions. As long as you’re honest in your answers, your career quiz results will be accurate.
We’re not here to tell you what to do; we’re here to tell you what you can do. Once you have that knowledge, it’s still up to you to decide what to do with it.
Often, making the jump from an established career can be even more difficult than starting a new career altogether. If you’re already employed but are considering a change, our career test can help switch careers with confidence.
Our cutting-edge algorithm works diligently to provide you with the most personalized and accurate results. This process can sometimes take up to 30 minutes to ensure the highest quality in your report. Still waiting to receive your report after 30 minutes? Email us at support@jobtest.org with the subject line "Didn't Get My Report." Our support team will be happy to help you get your report.